Saturday, January 1, 2011

Success Saturday: Humility

No one reading this blog is cash flowing a million dollars a year. But even at that status they could still learn something from the neighbor girl selling lemonade off the sidewalk. When talking about humility, in a secular sense, it correlates with being teachable or the ability to listen. Not to listen to figure out what to say next or how you will counterattack to disprove the person who knows less than you do. Humility is not the feeling you have that you need to tell everyone around you exactly what they must do to get to where you are at. No, humility is recognizing regardless of what you own, possess, have achieved or accomplished that the person in front of you has insights you do not have. Perceptions or points of view are as degrees of circle. In any given scenario or given point there are at least 360 different views or perceptions of that single point and every single one of them are true. Humility as a principle of success is being able to recognize that and although you stand at one degree there are those all around you that may stand at another and it would better you to stop and listen to them. Many “successful” people were interviewed and when I say “successful” I mean top income earners of their companies. The guys whose books we read and whose tapes we listen to. The ones who really make an impact in society and the lives of millions. One of the few characteristics that every single one shared in common was the unquenchable desire to learn. They never stopped learning. While first that may have come in the form of formal education and obtaining degrees and later in reading several articles and books but beyond that came the learning from every situation and from every individual to be able to write their own books. Or at the least overcome whatever challenges they were facing. It is about being able to take in information, organize it, analyze it, cross reference it with what you already know and asking yourself what about it or what points you do not know and then using that information to better your own life in one simple way. A quiet man once was asked how come he never said much, he replied “When I start talking, I stop learning.”

Keep in touch

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