Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I still think it is a pyramid scheme!

I have decided that my job sucks, the economy sucks, and the only way it is going to be better is if I do something about it.

What are you going to do?

I am going to build a network marketing business.

What is Network marketing?

A network marketing company allows you to build your own business by creating a group of distributors and customers that consume the products sold by the company.

That sounds like one of those pyramid things

What do you mean by pyramid things?

One of those things where the only people who make lots of money are the people at the top

You mean like the company you work for?

…(silence)…But don’t you have to get in early to make any money?

Actually in a good network marketing company you can make more money than the people above you if you are more productive.

Are you sure it isn’t a pyramid scheme?


How are you so sure?

A pyramid scheme is where you make all of your money by recruiting others and there is no product or service being exchanged.

It still sounds like a pyramid scheme.

In a legitimate network marketing company you make most or all of your money from the people using the products.

It still sounds like a pyramid scheme.

(pause) In what way?

Because when you draw it out it looks like a pyramid.

How is that relevant?

(blink) (blink) It just seems like a pyramid scheme.

If you were to draw out the organization chart of the company you work for what shape would it be?

A pyramid.

If you were to draw out the organization chart of the church you go to what shape would it be?

A pyramid.

If you were to draw out the organization chart of the girl scouts what shape would it be?

A pyramid.

Are you understanding my point?

Yes, I had no idea there were so many pyramid schemes out there.

( Awkward silence)

Do you really think you could make any money with your pyramid scheme?

According to the US Department of Labor and the Direct Selling Association with the same time and effort I am five times more likely to earn over 100,000 dollars in network marketing than at my life sucking job.

Yes, I hate my job too. That is why I play the Lotto every day after work, 16, 22, 84 Baby!


Maybe you should start your own business also instead of completely leaving your future to chance.

But I have heard people say negative things about Network Marketing

Like who?

Like my brother-in-law.

Is he wealthy?


Does he own his own business?


Would you consider him a credible expert on the subject?


Would you consider him a credible expert on any subject?

Not really.

(blink blink) (shakes head only shifting the awkward silence)

But why do some people say network marketing doesn’t work?

For the same reason that some people think our government social security program is totally sustainable.

Are there any credible experts that support network marketing?

Have you heard of Robert Kiyosaki? The author of one of the top selling financial books of all time?


He is a big supporter of network marketing. He calls it the perfect business. Have you heard of Donald Trump?

Yes. He has funny hair.

He is also a big supporter of network marketing. Have you heard of Warren Buffett the most successful investor of all time?


He is also a supporter of Network Marketing.

And you think these people are more credible experts than my brother in law?

(waits) Yes.

I still think it sounds like a pyramid scheme.

Dialogue taken from a cartoon on you tube titled “I still think it is a pyramid scheme” by Pat Petrini

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading this. This dialogue will definitely open up people's eyes. So many people are quick to judge Networking Marketing without rdoing research.
