Saturday, January 15, 2011

7 Transformation Tips

Transform yourself in 2011, Transform your business for life. Tips taken from the best.

#1. Keep a list of people to call every day just to 'Check In' - Call at
least 3 people a day just to say 'Hi' and see how they are doing.

#2. Spend 90% of your time connecting with people on a personal
level face to face or over the phone and 10% of your time connecting
with people using technology.

#3. Limit your time on Facebook to 15 minutes per day (I know that is hard for most of you but it's a must if you want to build a successful business). My only exception to this rule is
if you want to 'schedule' 2 hours a week just to casually 'chat' with others that are online
to see if you can advance your relationships. It's live and real time which is a different experience than
'posting'. Your goal is to eventually take it offline so that you can have real human contact.

#4. Limit your TV time (or eliminate it all together). Replace it with reading and listening to positive CD's. You won't miss anything. You'll hear the important stuff from your friends. TV kills brain cells and books and CD's strengthens them.

#5. Seek out to MEET people that do business with people that would do business with you. Think about who does business with people that would do business with you?

#6. Send way more cards out that appreciate others and less cards
to market yourself. Go to your mailbox and pick up your mail. What do you keep and what do you throw away? What do you forget and what do you remember?

#7. Have fun with your business. Make your meetings light and easy. Be someone that others want to be around.

Keep in Touch,

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How Not to Network Market...

I was replying so some posts on a website.

The Financial Free Team blogs.
Anywayz, I brought up the importance of building relationships in Network Marketing rather than just building a strong downline. I will tell you why with this story.

I had two friends involved in Network Marketing, Ben and Adam. Ben took his time to learn about his product and industry. He was able to answer questions of all his prospects and he spent a great deal of time on the phone with each person in his organizaton. He personally invited them to events around them and remembered them on birthdays and holidays. He had a friendship with all his customers. He had build relationships of trust with his team. Adam on the other hand was a computer geek. He found network marketing on the computer so he pretty much ran his business from the computer. Many of the people in his organizaton he had never met nor spoke to on the phone. He was getting paid so it didnt bother him at all. This being the first network marketing company Adam was apart of he definately was sold on the idea and was very "successful". He didnt mind putting in hours and hours of work because he knew or he was told after 3-5 years he could retire and really never have to work another day in his life. With the checks he was receiving, he did not doubt it. Although Ben was still making a decent income, his organization was significantly smaller than Adams. Like every network marketing company they are the best. They have the best compensation plan, they are soon to explode, they are easily marketable and are expanding rapidly. They promise huge returns and have the product and history to back it up. Well, as true as all this may be, there are some changes that happen that are not always seen. In the case of Ben and Adam they were selling Beepers. Something, many middle schoolers could not even tell you what that is anymore thats how obsolete they are. You see just because their company was at the top and they couldnt foresee anything that could happen to take away their income, doesnt mean it wouldnt happen. Overnight business stopped for beeper guys. Whatever residuals they were promised was simply out of the picture, no one was buying a beeper anymore. So here is Ben and Adam back at square one. The difference is Ben has an organization of friends and people who trust him. His whole downline understands the sudden turn in technology and they look to him for the next thing. All the work Ben put in to building a relationship with these people continues to pay off because now 99% of them stay on board as they join with a new opportunity, most likely involving the cell phone. And the other hand Adam lost contact of the some 5,000 that were generating his income. Its not like he could call them up and say hey lets join this company, they didnt know him. After these years of benefitting from their work now Adam has to compete all over again for their attention once more to join his new organization. The easy way to network marketing or the shortcut is the hard and long way. But it really is not that hard and it is not that long. Ben will retire from the efforts he initially put in. The promises of Network Marketing did hold true for him because he did it right. It is all about the relationships. You will lose your work if you try to do it any other way.

Keep in Touch,

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I still think it is a pyramid scheme!

I have decided that my job sucks, the economy sucks, and the only way it is going to be better is if I do something about it.

What are you going to do?

I am going to build a network marketing business.

What is Network marketing?

A network marketing company allows you to build your own business by creating a group of distributors and customers that consume the products sold by the company.

That sounds like one of those pyramid things

What do you mean by pyramid things?

One of those things where the only people who make lots of money are the people at the top

You mean like the company you work for?

…(silence)…But don’t you have to get in early to make any money?

Actually in a good network marketing company you can make more money than the people above you if you are more productive.

Are you sure it isn’t a pyramid scheme?


How are you so sure?

A pyramid scheme is where you make all of your money by recruiting others and there is no product or service being exchanged.

It still sounds like a pyramid scheme.

In a legitimate network marketing company you make most or all of your money from the people using the products.

It still sounds like a pyramid scheme.

(pause) In what way?

Because when you draw it out it looks like a pyramid.

How is that relevant?

(blink) (blink) It just seems like a pyramid scheme.

If you were to draw out the organization chart of the company you work for what shape would it be?

A pyramid.

If you were to draw out the organization chart of the church you go to what shape would it be?

A pyramid.

If you were to draw out the organization chart of the girl scouts what shape would it be?

A pyramid.

Are you understanding my point?

Yes, I had no idea there were so many pyramid schemes out there.

( Awkward silence)

Do you really think you could make any money with your pyramid scheme?

According to the US Department of Labor and the Direct Selling Association with the same time and effort I am five times more likely to earn over 100,000 dollars in network marketing than at my life sucking job.

Yes, I hate my job too. That is why I play the Lotto every day after work, 16, 22, 84 Baby!


Maybe you should start your own business also instead of completely leaving your future to chance.

But I have heard people say negative things about Network Marketing

Like who?

Like my brother-in-law.

Is he wealthy?


Does he own his own business?


Would you consider him a credible expert on the subject?


Would you consider him a credible expert on any subject?

Not really.

(blink blink) (shakes head only shifting the awkward silence)

But why do some people say network marketing doesn’t work?

For the same reason that some people think our government social security program is totally sustainable.

Are there any credible experts that support network marketing?

Have you heard of Robert Kiyosaki? The author of one of the top selling financial books of all time?


He is a big supporter of network marketing. He calls it the perfect business. Have you heard of Donald Trump?

Yes. He has funny hair.

He is also a big supporter of network marketing. Have you heard of Warren Buffett the most successful investor of all time?


He is also a supporter of Network Marketing.

And you think these people are more credible experts than my brother in law?

(waits) Yes.

I still think it sounds like a pyramid scheme.

Dialogue taken from a cartoon on you tube titled “I still think it is a pyramid scheme” by Pat Petrini

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Success Saturday: Humility

No one reading this blog is cash flowing a million dollars a year. But even at that status they could still learn something from the neighbor girl selling lemonade off the sidewalk. When talking about humility, in a secular sense, it correlates with being teachable or the ability to listen. Not to listen to figure out what to say next or how you will counterattack to disprove the person who knows less than you do. Humility is not the feeling you have that you need to tell everyone around you exactly what they must do to get to where you are at. No, humility is recognizing regardless of what you own, possess, have achieved or accomplished that the person in front of you has insights you do not have. Perceptions or points of view are as degrees of circle. In any given scenario or given point there are at least 360 different views or perceptions of that single point and every single one of them are true. Humility as a principle of success is being able to recognize that and although you stand at one degree there are those all around you that may stand at another and it would better you to stop and listen to them. Many “successful” people were interviewed and when I say “successful” I mean top income earners of their companies. The guys whose books we read and whose tapes we listen to. The ones who really make an impact in society and the lives of millions. One of the few characteristics that every single one shared in common was the unquenchable desire to learn. They never stopped learning. While first that may have come in the form of formal education and obtaining degrees and later in reading several articles and books but beyond that came the learning from every situation and from every individual to be able to write their own books. Or at the least overcome whatever challenges they were facing. It is about being able to take in information, organize it, analyze it, cross reference it with what you already know and asking yourself what about it or what points you do not know and then using that information to better your own life in one simple way. A quiet man once was asked how come he never said much, he replied “When I start talking, I stop learning.”

Keep in touch