Monday, March 21, 2011

SOC review

Send Out Cards Review
by Ken and Melisa West

About Ken & Melisa West
We have always been entrepreneurs in some capacity, and we have both achieved corporate management ranks in multiple companies. We have been network marketers for 2 years, involved in multiple companies, and working with some of the top incomer earners in our industry. Our focus is now on building solid network marketing businesses mainly through online marketing methods, and we both share the copy writing duties at

Time with Send Out Cards: 2 months

Time in the network marketing industry: 2~3 years

Can You Use SOC Brand?
Send Out Cards, also know as SOC, does not technically allow the use of it’s name or trademarks by distributors, but if you are an SOC distributor who is actively building a Send Out Cards business, then you can make a special request of the company to use the name in your advertising efforts, especially in the online marketing arena. Again, you will need to contact the company to obtain this approval, but overall the company is one of the most reasonable when it comes to your marketing efforts and accommodating distributors to be as successful as possible with their MLM business.

Rating: 4

What’s the Risk Factor Like?
Well, there’s an old saying (by a very wise, legendary man, Jim Rohn) that goes something like this, “If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary”.

So basically, you are going to have to encounter some risk if you desire success in your life and business. However, I have to give SOC a TOP ranking as far as overall risk with Network Marketing companies are concerned.

The company has been around for more than 5 years now, so this shows that the company is stable and very likely to be around for the long haul. Couple that with some of the most successful, powerhouse and career MLM’ers guiding the marketing efforts of SOC, you can rest assured that it is built from a recipe of success, and has the makings to be around for generations to come.

Rating: 5

How are the Products?
It’s important to note that we ARE talking about gifts and greeting cards here, which overall, have stood the test of time and have been staple products in our society for decades now.

Send Out Cards is one of the most unique opportunities ever offered within the Network Marketing industry. By featuring products that are much more superior in quality to the retail competition, completely customizable, and also easier to use and lower cost than the competition, it really makes the decision to join such an opportunity pretty much a no-brainer. I mean what is cooler than sending a card in your own hand-writing, with your photo, and lot’s of other cool graphics to friends, family and clients?

And let’s face it, everyone pretty much has the need to send greeting cards and gifts. But the opportunity does not stop there… The company provides one of the easiest to use contact manager databases for you to keep track of your friends, relatives, prospects, and other contacts, and it gives you the unique ability to create card campaigns to keep in touch with everyone on your list.

With SOC, you will never again miss a birthday, anniversary, holiday, or other special occasion…and you’ll save time and money all the while!

The bottom line is that everyone LOVES to get greeting cards…business prospects and loved ones alike!

Rating: 5

What About the Compensation Plan?
Send Out Cards’ compensation plan is one that is very solid in the industry. The nice part is that the company has designed the plan to help new distributors monetize their efforts right out of the gate. The plan allows for a generous bonus for each new distributor sponsored by you, and the bonus more than doubles once you have a total down line of 12 (which do not all have to be personally sponsored by you). On top of this, you continue to gain monthly residuals as well, based upon a percentage of auto ship and gift purchases produced within your down line.

Another nice factor which helps the new Network Marketers, is that it is a uni-level plan, so there’s no need to build multiple legs…and you never get stuck with one runaway leg while the others are starving for volume.

Rating: 4

Do SendOutCards Provide Training?
Again, Send Out Cards is top notch in this area. Once you’re enrolled, you can choose to opt-in to any or all of the top guru’s training programs, and each of them offer weekly calls, regular newsletters and webinars. These options are provided directly from your back office, and you can tap into training from guru’s who may not even be in your up line. The company also has multiple webcast training opportunities hosted by the company CEO each month.

On top of this, the company gives you multiple tickets to one of their regular LIVE training and personal development events, which are held about 6 times per year at locations around the entire US. So this makes it convenient to find a date and location that works well with your schedule and also with your budget.

Rating: 5

What About the Marketing?
Send Out Cards shines in this area as well. Allowing distributors to market online, person to person, over the phone, through printed ads, through the mail, or just about any other way your heart desires.

We were really attracted to this aspect of the company when we were first looking to join Send Out Cards. We worked with companies in the past (notice we stated “”in the past”") that would not allow online marketing of their products, or would only allow internet marketing through their cheesy company replicated page…and needless to say, the company replicated site was terrible!

It’s always nice to work with a company like Send Out Cards, which allows you the freedom to market in the fashion that you feel most comfortable with, so you can maximize your success.

Rating: 5

How Has Your Personal Experience Been Like With SOC?
Well, joining the SOC Team has been one of the best decisions of our lives. We are working a team with the some of the biggest producers in the industry, and we are personally working with the TOP Network Marketing mentor and trainer on the planet! We have some of the best of the best on speed dial, which makes it really nice to ensure our continued success.

As with any company, you WILL have to do the work necessary to get where you want to be. But working with a great company and on the best team in the industry really helps to make sure you are working in the right direction, and taking the shortest possible path to success.

Rating: 10

Total out of 40: 38

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